ExoItalia Facial Treatment

ExoItalia Facial Treatment

Exome facial rejuvenation is a cosmetic procedure to increase skin collagen and
elastin levels to enhance skin brightening and hydration. The procedure helps you
overcome fine facial lines, wrinkles, and age spots. The facial exosomes are
manipulated to perform certain actions, and the desired results are achieved.

Benefits of Exosome Facial rejuvenation

Decreases Skin redness and irritation
Improves overall appearance of skin
Skin texture and pore size improve.
Improves tissue health and cellular health.
Increase in Fibroblast

Who can Benefit from ExoItalia Treatment?

People suffering from the following Skin conditions are ideal candidates for Exosome Facial rejuvenation:

Age Spots
Sagging Skin
Skin Hydration
Sun Damaged Skin
Enlarged Pores
Uneven skin Texture

What is inside ExoItalia Vials?

Bovine milk Exosomes 10ppm
Linear fibrous HA high m.w. 60 mg
Vitamin b1 Thiamine+ b6 pyridoxine
Reduced glutathione
17 different kind of essential and non-essential amino acids cluster 15 mg/ml

Why Milk Exosomes?

It is Safety and Efficacy: There are several clinical studies proven the efficacy and safety of Milk
Exosome. Milk exosomes are nature’s abundant drug delivery carriers. These exosomes exhibit
superior stability, biocompatibility, half-life, and very low immunogenicity vs the animal source
Exosomes and it has efficacy higher than the planet exosomes that has shown less efficacy. The
reason for ExoItalia for choosing Bovin milk exosome is to ensure the safety of the product without
compromising the efficacy.

Excellent Results With Just 3-4 Treatments

Number of treatments from (4 -3 treatments) with time intervals (2 weeks) between each treatment